Weekly Church Gathering

Sundays 5:00-8:00pm*

We’re attempting to practice what we see in the book of Acts and the Epistles, where the church met in homes or other existing places. There was no financial overhead; it was simple and naturally multiplied as it grew. We practice what’s been termed the 3/3 (Three-Thirds) process when we meet together, because it’s been the best model we’ve experienced to help us practice consistently the things that bring health and growth.

Watch the video below to learn more.

I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who abide in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. — John 15:5

Our house church, The Branch, is in the process of developing a community of believers who are committed to each other as we pursue following Jesus on mission.

Our focus is the mission of Jesus: disciple-making with an emphasis on the unreached.

We define a disciple of Jesus as someone who follows Jesus as both Lord and Savior, loving God with their whole heart and others as themselves —> obeying his commands, which includes intentionally helping others do the same.

The DNA piece of the Great Commission (Matthew 18:18-20) …teaching them to obey all that I’ve commanded you, is central to disciple-making. We invest our lives deeply in others to help them love God, hear His voice, and obey Him. We disciple others to Jesus, and the Holy Spirit does what we cannot do. We are co-laboring with God as disciple-makers, watching God transform lives as we abide and invest.

Our weekly gathering can and should contribute to providing a space of overlap to the discipleship process because God is always working to transform us. However, we don’t believe that our gatherings replace intentional relationship-based disciple-making.

— More to come on this subject will soon be on our Disciple-making page.

Love God + Love Others —> Make Disciples = Heavenly Father is glorified.

We begin our time together with a shared meal and try to end close to 8/8:30pm, but we often find ourselves going past this, allowing time for more fellowship, discipleship, and prayer.

(Note: Links will be added on terms like disciple-making and redirected where we go in-depth on our philosophy and process, which is modeled after Jesus as we read in the Gospels.) Being a part of our house church gathering does not replace intentional relationship-based disciple-making. It adds to it but is not the same.)

My friend, Chuck Wood, shares about the 3/3 process.

Here’s a link to how we practice our time when we gather.

Click: Our 3/3 Gathering Process