Mission Endeavors

Missions exists because worship doesn’t.

— John Piper

One of our core objectives is to take strategic small teams on mission to various places around the world, including the US. There are missionary teams and nationals we have connections with to allow us opportunities to serve them in short-term contexts while also giving our team an experiential vision cast centered around the core apostolic task.

Pre-trip training, on-trip assignments, and post-trip debriefing with assignments will play an important role in the depth of preparation and spiritual formation while maximizing the experience with forward-focused intentionality in the entire process.

It’s well-documented that short-term mission experiences are the main catalyst for those who become full-time missionaries, as well as the deep impact they have on maturing and realigning Kingdom priorities for many.

We will also plan for concentrated Up, In, and Out weekend road mission trips here in the US, spending time with veteran disciple-making trainers.